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The Roots

Personal health is an oft-desired goal for people everywhere and one of the best ways to achieve such is through weight training. The benefits of weightlifting are bountiful and include things such as increasing physical work capacity, improving bone density, promoting fat-free body mass, increasing strength of connective tissues, muscles and tendons and overall quality of life. However, a frequent barrier of entry into weightlifting and gym going is the learning curve required to perform weightlifting exercise such as squats and deadlifts properly. It is vital to practice good form from the beginning of one’s lifting career so as to not develop bad habits that progress into injuries. Small inconsistencies in form can cause long term issues to various muscles. Having a gym buddy or personal trainer while beginning one’s journey into weightlifting is integral to their long term health. 
Another barrier of entry into the world of gym going is the relative expensive cost of acquiring a personal trainer. For example, the annual cost of a Goodlife Fitness personal trainer subscription can range up to almost $1000 per year. This is quite an expensive investment, especially for people who may be on the edge about fully committing to weight lifting.
In addition, people who don’t have the means to afford a personal trainer will be further shut out from this avenue of healthy living. Finally, some people may also be shy about exercising with another person and may wish to train in the privacy of their own home, away from the high energy and tempo of a commercial gym environment. Furthermore, experienced weightlifters also constantly desire to track and record their form over time. This is seen quite often in the gym with advanced lifters asking people to film them or creating intricate setups for their phones to record them from different angles.
Thus, there exists a space for a gym device that could supplement or replace a personal trainer. A device that will lower the cost of entry into the world of weightlifting while also benefiting experienced lifters by allowing them to review their form. This device would aim to provide the same benefits a personal trainer would for specific weightlifting exercises but without the financial commitment of a real person. This is even more pertinent given the current living situations brought on by COVID-19 regional restrictions around the world.

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