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  • zx4xu4

Removing negative scores

Now that the app can score both deadlift and squat exercises, it was time to smooth out some rough edges. First, for user workouts where we can't detect any of the ideal poses, our current behavior is to give a score of 0. Second, for workouts where the user selects the wrong parameters for a video (e.g. selecting the incorrect exercise type, or camera angle), we give a score of 0. Third, if the user's posture is terrible and it takes several iterations to detect the ideal poses, then there is a high chance that the score may turn out negative.

To fix these issues, a generic text message (Could not detect proper posture - are you sure you uploaded the correct video for the parameters selected?) was displayed instead of the score in the FeedbackView in the case of a negative, or 0 score. Additionally, any negative scores were automatically changed to 0.

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